Friday, 27 February 2009


So there I was half way through my first recovery week in a long time and as the weather is finally beginning to turn better (even sporting a pair of shorts to go running in at one stage), and like a true Scotsman I catch a cold. After a long lie in and consuming several mugs of lemsip I trekked to the pool for a paddle in the pool for 3kms worth of steady stuff.

It was afterwards during some chit chat with one of the old dears who had been in the pool at the same time that she informed me that at her age it feels like your swimming through honey. In cycling terms its when your in the small chain ring but your legs are convinced your pushing your biggest gear with into the `mother of all headwinds`. I felt like telling her I was battling with the gooey stuff today but I didn’t think she’d appreciate it. So during the last few swim sessions its just all been about getting rid of that honey in the pool and changing it back to water- slowly but surely I’m feeling better.

Away from training today I rediscovered after many years the joys of eating a bag of skittles- its been a few years since my mum use to buy them for me (they were a favourite of mine) but as I popped into the shop on the way to the gym they called out to me. That and since the word fruits is on the bag I`m counting it towards one of my five a day. Another 4 bags and that’s me there. Now all I need to do is get nack to 100% health. Now where did I put those lemsips….

David McNamee - International Triathlete

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