Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Rubbing Salt in the Wounds

The snow is falling and my car seems permanently frozen, so today I took the mountain bike out on the roads for I decided to have a small separation from my turbo. After 3 days in a row it just gets to repetitive and theres only so much afternoon TV you can watch whilst moving your legs round. Even though the logical part of my brain was telling me that riding over ice should surely result in a painful ending, the mountain bike was having none of it and kept rooted to the ground. However after 5 hours my fingers and feet were passed the frozen stage but worse than that I had inhaled a few kilograms of salt from all the grit on the road. After brushing my teeth 3 times in an hour its finally going away and I`ve thawed out but the fan heater is still staying on just in case.

Despite the weather training has been going well since I came back from Spain. The long of hours of training and living like a monk appears to be paying of as my fitness is improving and I`m slowly getting stronger (one step at a time). Well I suppose its time to layer up again and get some running in. Till next time….

David McNamee - International Triathlete

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