Saturday, 5 March 2011

Winter Legs

It has been 5 months since I last raced a triathlon- the winter break drags on a lot when you live in Britain. I have to say I miss it. I miss the adrenaline, the fear that kicks in as you walk onto the pontoon and the joy of success even if it doesn’t happen all the time.

However in 4 weeks time it all kicks off and with 3 races in 3 weekends I’m sure I’ll be back in the swim/bike/running racing rhythm in no time.
With all the xc races though the competitive instinct is never too far away and today I raced my first 10k road race of the year in Garscube, Glasgow. It’s the first time I`ve did a road race with a king of the mountains prize. Sadly my dash for the top of the hill left me in 3rd but I managed to place 2nd overall in 31.39. Not too shabby with my winter legs still on.

So for now it`s all about getting my head down for another last block of hard training before the big season kick off. That and there` s the little thing of my uni dissertation needing completed.