Friday, 11 February 2011

Here, There and Everywhere

Its been a busy few months of Winter training spread between Scotland and Spain. Apart from the snow its been going well with the occasional cross country run race thrown into the mix to keep me sharp. The big cross country of the year takes place with the Scottish National 12k at Falkirk. The aim is a top 15 however having never raced over the distance before its a bit of a venture into the unknown.

With a 12k cross country on the Saturday and the 3rd Reliability ride of the ride on the Sunday its looking to be a hard weekend of work. The local Reliability rides/races are always a shock to me especially when a few of the local Endura riders turn up to stretch their legs and to make the rest of us suffer. I spent a great deal of time last weekend just trying to hold the wheel. The rain and the muddy roads never lightens my mood either and it was a miserable few hours in the hurt box. Getting fit though and and looking forward to some sun.